100Reporters: Project Summary

100Reporters has proven its investigative news chops in many of its reports, exposing corruption and heightening public accountability, especially in areas mired by conflict.

100Reporters has also proven its ability to build partnerships with other news organizations such as The New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News, CNN Money, and PRI’s The World. Additionally, it is based in Washington, DC, an advantageous location to build a relationship with a wider network of donors.

The project is a two- to three-day Investigative Film Festival that would showcase new releases of documentaries and feature films inspired by investigative journalism or about investigative journalists. Its goal is to further establish its brand and build more partnerships in the film community. It plans to generate revenues through event sponsorships.

What knowledge will be gained from this experiment?

The IFF project will allow 100Reporters to “test” local venues and establish relationships within them and the film industry, to lay groundwork and future growth of subsequent Investigative Film Festivals. 100Reporters hopes to learn how to synchronize all of the moving parts of a large event.

The elements of a successful film festival—with its related discussions, meals, social events and operations—can be cumbersome alone individually. When combined, and further adding sponsorships, underwriting cultivation and sales on top, timing can be a critical element that can make or break an event’s viability.

100Reporters expects to learn about finding, selecting and working with volunteers on a larger scale than we have experienced before. Collaboration with other organizations on various aspects of the Festival, such as marketing or convening panel discussions, will enable 100Reporters to stretch its legs within the community, and build mutual audiences.

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